
Kittitas, Klickitat, Skamania, and Yakima Counties.

M-TH: 8-5 and FRI 8-noon

Offering service in person and virtually.

Give us a call! We’re here to help via phone or email at [email protected].


How Our Programs Work

policies in place to guide our work

Most of our programs are funded through the U.S. Department of Labor with very specific policies and procedures that must be followed by all contractors and sub-contractors.

To learn more about the policies in place for our organization and our programs, see below.

To stay up to date with WIOA Operating Guidance issued by Department of Labor through TEGLS, UIPLs and TENS, please see the Workforce Professionals Center and WorkSource Information Notice (WIN) 0073.

WIOA Program policies

 200.    Administrative Bulletin Cover Memo R1

201.    Administrative Bulletin Index R8 (07/01/2024)

202.    Career Services R1 (07/01/2022)

203A. Adult Eligibility and Service Priority R8 (07/01/2024)

         • Attachment 1A – Addendum to Registration Form ABE R1 (04/07/2020)

         • Attachment 1B – Addendum to Registration form ESL R1 (04/07/2020)

         • Attachment 2 – Family Income Form R2 

         • Attachment 3 – State Eligibility Policy Handbook R9 (03/25/2024)

         • Attachment 3A – Eligibility Documentation Matrix R1 (03/06/2023)

         • Attachment 4A – Self Employment Training Notice English

         • Attachment 4B – Self Employment Training Notice Spanish

         • Attachment 5 – Adult & DW Self-Attestation Form 

         • Attachment 6A – Priority of Service for Veterans & Eligible Spouses English

         • Attachment 6B – Priority of Service for Veterans & Eligible Spouses Spanish

         • Attachment 7A – Authorization for Release of Information Form English

         • Attachment 7B – Authorization for Release of Information Form Spanish

         • Attachment 8A – EO Form R4 (07/01/2024)

         • Attachment 8B – EO Form Spanish R4 (07/01/2024)

         • Attachment 9A – Complaints and Grievances Form R3 (03/01/2024)

         • Attachment 9B – Complaints and Grievances Form Spanish R3 (03/01/2024)

         • Attachment 10A – Includible-Excludable Income

         • Attachment 10B – Includible-Excludable Income Spanish

         • Attachment 11 – WIN 0056 Lower Living Standard Income Level, Change 11

203B.  Dislocated Worker Eligibility R8 (07/01/2024)

         • Attachment 1 – State Eligibility Policy Handbook R9 (03/25/2024)

         • Attachment 1A – DW Eligibility Documentation Matrix R1 (03/06/2023)

         • Attachment 2A – Self Employment Training Notice     

         • Attachment 2B – Self Employment Training Notice Spanish

         • Attachment 3 – Adult & DW Self-Attestation Form

         • Attachment 4A – Priority of Service for Veterans & Eligible Spouses

         • Attachment 4B – Priority of Service for Veterans & Eligible Spouses Spanish

         • Attachment 5A – Authorization for Release of Information

         • Attachment 5B – Authorization for Release of Information Spanish

         • Attachment 6A – EO Form R4 (07/01/2024)

         • Attachment 6B – EO Form Spanish R4 (07/01/2024)

         • Attachment 7A – Complaints and Grievances Form R3 (03/01/2024)

         • Attachment 7B – Complaints and Grievances Form Spanish R3 (03/01/2024)

203C.  Youth Eligibility and Service Priority R11 (07/01/2024)

         • Attachment 1 – Income Verification Form

         • Attachment 2A – CASAS Scores & EFL Certification Form ABE

         • Attachment 2B – CASAS Scores & EFL Certification Form ESL

         • Attachment 3 – Eligibility Policy Handbook R9 (03/25/2024)

         • Attachment 3A – Eligibility Documentation Matrix R1 (03/06/2023)

         • Attachment 4 – Youth Self-Attestation Form

         • Attachment 5A – Priority of Service for Veterans & Eligible Spouses

         • Attachment 5B – Priority of Service for Veterans & Eligible Spouses Spanish

         • Attachment 6A – Authorization for Release of Information Form

         • Attachment 6B – Authorization for Release of Information Form Spanish

         • Attachment 7A – EO Form R4 (07/01/2024)

         • Attachment 7B – EO Form Spanish R4 (07/01/2024)

         • Attachment 8A – Complaints and Grievances Form R3 (03/01/2024)

         • Attachment 8B – Complaints and Grievances Form Spanish R3 (03/01/2024)

         • Attachment 9A – Youth 14 Program Elements Form

         • Attachment 9B – Youth 14 Program Elements Form Spanish

         • Attachment 10A – Includable-Excludable Income Form

         • Attachment 10B – Includable-Excludable Income Form Spanish

         • Attachment 11 – WIN 0056 Lower Living Standard Income Level, Change 11

         • Attachment 12 – Open Doors/Re-engagement Programs and OSY Designation

203D.  Economic Security For All R3 (03/14/2024)

203E.  Community Reinvestment Fund R1 (06/14/2024)

204.    Youth 14 Program Elements R1 (07/01/2022)

205.    Objective Assessment and Individual Participation Plan R2 (07/01/2022)

         • Attachment 1 – Objective Assessment Form

206.    MIS Policy R9 (03/25/2024)

         • Attachment 1A – MIS Enrollment Transmittal Sheet 

         • Attachment 1B – MIS Accepted I-9 Documentation Verification R2

         • Attachment 1C – MIS Exit and Performance Transmittal Sheet

         • Attachment 2 – Paperwork Flow Chart R7 (03/25/2024)

         • Attachment 3A – SCW Services Catalog Adult & DW Only R12 (02/27/2023)

         • Attachment 3B – SCW Youth Services Catalog ONLY R8 (12/13/2022)

         • Attachment 4 – SCW State EcSA Service Catalog R3 (07/06/2023)

         • Attachment 5A – SCW Service vs Status Desk Aid Flow Chart

         • Attachment 5B – SCW Service vs Status Case Note Examples

207.    Case Notes – Data Integrity R5 (07/01/2022)

208.    Training Services R4 (07/01/2022)

         • Attachment 1 – Training Resource Map R2

         • Attachment 2 – List of Qualifying Occupations Policy

         • Attachment 2A – List of Qualifying Occupations Policy Spanish

         • Attachment 3 – Personal Resource Worksheet R1

209.   Adult and Dislocated Worker Individual Training Account (ITA) Policy R6 (01/01/2023)

         • Attachment 1 – State WIOA ITA Policy 5601

         • Attachment 2 – ITA Packet R3 (01/01/2023)

210.   Internship/Work Experience R2 (05/17/2023)

         • Attachment 1 – Internship/Work Experience Agreement

211.   Classroom Training R2 (07/01/2022)

         • Attachment 1 – Classroom Training Agreement R1 (03/22/2021)

212.   On-the-Job Training R1 (07/01/2022)

         • Attachment 1 – On-the-Job Training Agreement

         • Attachment 2 – Training Plan/Evaluation

213.   Adult and Dislocated Worker Customized Training R1 (07/01/2022)

214.   Adult and Dislocated Worker Transitional Jobs R1 (07/01/2022)

         • Attachment 1 – Transitional Jobs Agreement

         • Attachment 2 – Training Plan/Evaluation

215.   Adult and Dislocated Worker Relocation/Pre-Employment Interview Assist R1 (07/01/2022)

         • Attachment 1 – Request for Relocation Assistance

         • Attachment 2 – Relocation Expenditure Log

216.   Pre-Apprenticeship and Registered Apprenticeship R3 (07/01/2022)

217.   Supportive Services R9 (01/01/2024)

         • Attachment 1 – Supportive Services Form

         • Attachment 2 – Application for Childcare

         • Attachment 3 – Request for Payment for Childcare

         • Attachment 4 – Travel Application for Mileage Reimbursement R1 (03/30/2021)

         • Attachment 5 – Emergency Rental Assistance Request Form

         • Attachment 6 – Personal Resource Worksheet R1

         • Attachment 7 – Tools and Equipment Agreement

         • Attachment 8 – Tools and Equipment Inventory

         • Attachment 9 – Incentive Payments R2 (07/01/2023)

         • Attachment 9a – Request for Approval of Incentive Payments to WIOA Title I Adult or
                                          Dislocated Worker Participants

218.   Needs-Related Payments R3 (07/01/2022)

         • Attachment 1 – State Requirements for Issuing NRPs

         • Attachment 2 – NRP Determination Form

         • Attachment 3 – Training Support Analysis Form

         • Attachment 4 – Personal Resource Worksheet R1

219.   Exits from WIOA R1 (07/01/2022)

         • Attachment 1 – SCW Exit and Performance Form Adult and DW R2 (07/01/2021)

         • Attachment 2 – SCW Exit and Performance Form Youth R2 (07/01/2021)

220.   Follow-Up Career Services R3 (07/01/2022)

         • Attachment 1 – Follow-Up Information Form

         • Attachment 2 – WIOA Opt-Out or Cannot Be Located for Follow-Up Form

221.   Performance Indicators R4 (09/15/2022)

         • Attachment 1 – Measurable Skill Gains (01/22/2024)

         • Attachment 1a – Measurable Skill Gains Decision Path

         • Attachment 1b – Credential Attainment Decision Path

222.   SCW Reporting Incidents Involved WIOA Funding R1 (07/01/2022)

         • Attachment 1 – Incident Reporting Form

WorkFirst Policies

250. Administrative Bulletins Memo R1 (03/01/2022)

251. Eligibility for Commerce WorkFirst Programs R1 (09/01/2022)
252. WorkFirst Participation Requirements R1 (09/01/2022)

253. Referral Procedures and Enrollment Process R1 (09/01/2022)
       • Attachment 1: Release of Information English

       • Attachment 1A: Release of Information Spanish
       • Attachment 2: Grievance Form R2 (03/01/2024)

       • Attachment 2A: Grievance Form Spanish R2 (03/01/2024)

       • Attachment 3: Equal Opportunity Form R1 (09/05/2023)

       • Attachment 3A: Equal Opportunity Form Spanish R1 (09/05/2023)
       • Attachment 4: DSHS Consent Form English

       • Attachment 4A: DSHS Consent Form Spanish
       • Attachment 5: Commerce WorkFirst Programs Orientation R2 (09/01/2022)
       • Attachment 6: CJ Participant Agreement R1 (09/01/2022)
       • Attachment 7: WC Participant Agreement R1 (09/01/2022)
       • Attachment 8: Supervisor Agreement R1 (09/01/2022)
254. Billing Procedures R2 (07/01/2023)
       • Attachment 1: Commerce Income Verification Form
       • Attachment 2: Support Services Directory
       • Attachment 3: Exception to the Rule Support Service Form
255. Assessment, IDP and Career Development Plan R1 (09/01/2022)
       • Attachment 1: Commerce WorkFirst Program Stacked Activities
256. Competencies R2 (09/01/2022)
       • Attachment 1: Work Maturity Skills: Supervisor/Evaluation – CJ

       • Attachment 2: Job Specific Skills: Training Plan/Evaluation – CJ
       • Attachment 3: Work Maturity Skills: Supervisor/Evaluation – WC

       • Attachment 4: Job Specific Skills: Training Plan/Evaluation – WC
257. Community Jobs Program R3 (09/01/2022)
       • Attachment 1: Community Jobs Worksite Contract
       • Attachment 2: Job Search Log
       • Attachment 3: Community Service Worksite Contract
       • Attachment 4: Career Jump Placement Form

       • Attachment 5: Stacked Activity Attendance Log

       • Attachment 6: Community Jobs Worksite Timesheet
258. Community Works Program R2 (09/01/2022)
       • Attachment 1: Community Works Worksite Contract
       • Attachment 2: Unpaid Universal Time Sheet

       • Attachment 3: Community Works Incentive Tool
259. Record Maintenance R2 (09/01/2022)
      • Attachment 1: Data Security Requirements

      • Attachment 2: Data Sharing Agreement

FY25 Commerce WorkFirst Contract Attachments

Attachment A-1 FY25 Scope of Work

Attachment B-1 FY25 Program Guidelines (07/01/2024)

Attachment C FY24.25 DSHS WorkFirst Handbook

Attachment D FY24.25 WorkFirst Mainstream and LEP Areas

Attachment E FY24.25 Data Share Agreement

Attachment F FY24.25 Data Security

Attachment G FY24.25 Uniform Guidance/Federal Audit Information

Attachment I FY24.25 Non-disclosure of Confidential Information

Attachment I-1 FY24.25 Non-disclosure of Confidential Information

Attachment J-1 FY25 Support Services Director

Attachment K FY24.25 IDP and Plan Verbal Acknowledgement Form

Attachment L FY24.25 Employment Income Verification

Attachment N FY24.25 Diverse Spend

Attachment O FY24.25 Verbal Consent Form


DVR Policies

Dcyf myjob contract attachments

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