Is your pool of candidates too small? Are you competing with other businesses for qualified workers? Grow tomorrow’s skilled workforce through registered apprenticeship.
Recruit. Engage. Retain.
Union or non-union, apprenticeships help businesses develop highly skilled workers through a time-tested, structured system that combines on-the-job training (OJT) with related supplemental instruction (RSI) in a classroom setting. Apprenticeship allows you to transfer years of experience and knowledge quickly, reducing the risk of skill shortages when key employees retire. The training program helps businesses stay responsive and competitive.
A registered apprenticeship program is sponsored by a business. Apprentices are only enrolled in the program when a business selects them for training. Workers entering an apprenticeship begin at a lower wage that increases as their skills and productivity grow.
Apprenticeships range from 2,000 hours to 10,000 hours depending on the occupation and program.
Apprenticeship programs are tailored to fit your company’s specific competencies and rotation needs. Subject matter experts will provide no-cost consultation as well as mentorship training for supervisors and shift/department leads.

HOW MUCH Does an apprenticeship cost?
The cost to begin an apprenticeship is time and effort. You pay no fees to Labor & Industries. You pay the employee/apprentice, provide the required hours of on-the-job training, and have the choice to cover or share the cost of related college coursework. In Washington State, registered apprentices receive 50 percent reduced tuition (about $300 per class).
The South Central Workforce is proud to partner with AJAC to establish and manage robust training programs for both youth and adults. Apprenticeship programs currently offered include:
- Industrial Maintenance Technician
- Machinist
- Industrial Manufacturing Technician
- Industrial Machine Operator
- Logistics Specialist
- Operations Specialist
- Production Technician (Youth)
- Automation Technician (Youth)
Learn more by contacting AJAC.
WHAT certification does an APPRENTICE receive?
An apprentice earns an “Award of Completion” issued by Washington State Labor & Industries. The Journey-Level Certificate is an industry issued, nationally recognized credential that an apprentice takes with them validating proficiency in an occupation or trade.
Every business is unique. Let’s meet and discuss how apprenticeship could benefit your organization.