Train and upskill Your Employees
When workers lack necessary industry training and a business experiences skill gaps, the company’s ability to compete, expand and retain workers can be compromised. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides funding for continuing education, training, and upskilling of incumbent – existing – employees through Incumbent Worker Training (IWT). IWT is designed to increase the vitality of a business, avert potential layoffs, and/or upskill and backfill staff.
IWT is a competitive grant that provides funding to help eligible businesses effectively train and retain employees by providing skill upgrades and process improvement training for existing employees. The training is conducted with a commitment by the employer to retain the incumbent workers.
IWT is a win-win for the business and staff:
Benefits for the Business:
- Increased competitiveness
- Skilled workforce
- Increased productivity
- Increased profits
- Company growth
- Reduced turnover
Benefits for the Workers:
- Opportunities for advancement
- Increased job opportunities
- Industry-recognized credentials
- Additional transferable skills
- Job retention
- Skilled workforce
IWT provides flexibility regarding the types of training and the training provider based upon the business’ overall workforce development needs.
SCW accepts IWT applications from organizations conducting business in Kittitas, Klickitat, Skamania and/or Yakima counties. We allocate training funds every July 1 through June 30. Training applications are open and remain competitive until June 30, or until all funding is exhausted.
Applications will be reviewed and awarded on a quarterly basis (January, April, July, and October). Applicants will be notified within 30 days after the end of a quarter. Multiple applications from the same company or consortia of companies will be considered, as long as each application addresses a training need in a different county. Note, employers can only be awarded once during a procurement cycle (July 1-June 30).
Training dollars flow from the U.S. Department of Labor. Consequently, we require considerable documentation, some of which includes the release of personal identifying information (social security number and date of birth). All personal identifying information is kept secure. Failure to provide such information will result in withholding of training funds.
If you are interested in applying for training assistance, please read the SCW Incumbent Worker Training Policy before applying.
HOW DO You apply?
Only complete Incumbent Worker Training applications will be considered. To apply, please complete the forms below in their entirety. We require a narrative and a budget. Please email them to us.
companies who have used this program