
Kittitas, Klickitat, Skamania, and Yakima counties.

M-TH: 8-5 and FRI 8-noon

Offering service in person and virtually.

Give us a call! We’re here to help via phone or email at [email protected].


Whether you need your high school diploma, a college degree or industry credential, we can help. Training and education can help you find a job or advance in a career.


Thanks to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), you can easily access connections to employment, education, training and support services. WIOA is federal legislation created to reduce welfare dependency, increase economic self-sufficiency, meet employers’ needs, and improve the productivity and competitiveness of the workforce. And the best part about WIOA is that the programs offer help at NO COST to qualifying individuals! 


Are you ready to start working toward financial independence? There are few eligibility requirements for WIOA assistance, but WIOA can help most people. To be eligible for WIOA programs:

  1. You must be legally entitled to work in the United States.
  2. Males born on or after January 1, 1960 must be registered with Selective Service.


In addition to the above, one or more of the following statement must also be true:

  • You have been terminated, laid off, exhausted or are currently receiving unemployment insurance benefits.
  • You were self-employed.
  • You are receiving food stamps or any other state assistance.
  • You need a high school diploma or G.E.D., or are parenting.
  • You have a disability, criminal history, and/or you are lacking work experience and skills.


Special priority will be given to qualifying veterans and their spouse. 


Take the next step toward a better future. Simply complete an online questionnaire and a People For People counselor will contact you. People For People is a subcontractor for the WIOA program in our region.


WIOA programs are intended to help those most in need. WIOA targets specific sets of individuals:


The Adult program serves individuals who are 18 years of age and up and are low income and/or receiving public assistance. This program also helps those who are “basic skills deficient” – a fancy way of saying reading or math were not your best skills in high school!


WIOA assistance can range from simple job search support to connecting with training to earn a high school diploma or learn skills for a new career that is “in demand” – local businesses are actively hiring for that occupation. Career counselors will help you explore options and work with you to develop a plan that’s right for you. 


WIOA assistance could come in the form of help with tuition assistance, transportation costs (gas), purchase of tools, childcare, or special clothing for work. Counselors can also pay for testing fees and licenses like those necessary for a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). And if you haven’t worked before, they can set up paid, on-the-job work experience. 


What are you waiting for? Complete an online questionnaire to connect with a WIOA career counselor! 


Have you lost your job and don’t know what to do next? You may be a “dislocated worker” if you lost your job and one or more of the following is true:


  1. You were terminated, laid off, or received a “notice of termination or layoff” and are unlikely to return to your usual occupation or industry because of a business or plant closure; a substantial layoff; foreign competition; and lack of demand for your skills.
  2. You are self-employed, but the economy or a natural disaster has put you out of work. For example, you might be a farmer who lost his or her crop due to extreme weather conditions.
  3. You are a “displaced homemaker” – someone who has been taking care of their family without pay, is unemployed or working a job that doesn’t support the household. (For example, a stay-at-home parent who depended on the income of another family member and has lost such support.) 


Veterans and spouses of veterans and active duty military may also be considered dislocated workers depending on the family situation.  


WIOA help could include career planning, help with your resume and job search, even tuition for training for a new or better job. Dislocated workers may also be eligible for extended unemployment insurance benefits, assistance with transportation costs, childcare, even tools and clothing for work! Complete an online questionnaire to connect with a WIOA career counselor.


WIOA offers help for young people who are in school or out of school. Each program has different eligibility requirements and is aimed at different age groups.


If you are in school, 16-21 years old and low income, one or more of the following must also be true to access WIOA services:

  1. You are “basic skills deficient” meaning you have difficulty with reading or math.
  2. English is your second language.
  3. You are justice involved (an offender).
  4. You are homeless or a runaway.
  5. You are in foster care.
  6. You are pregnant or parenting.
  7. You have a disability.

If you are between the ages of 16-24 and not in school, WIOA can help if one or more of the following statements is also true:

  1. You dropped out of school.
  2. You are low income.
  3. You are justice involved (an offender).
  4. You are homeless or a runaway.
  5. You are in foster care or you have aged out of the foster system.
  6. You are pregnant or parenting.
  7. You have a disability.

All help is personal. A career counselor will ask you to take some tests to determine your academic skill level, then talk about where you see yourself working. Together you will create a plan for your future. No one will tell you what to do!


Your plan might include going back to school to get your diploma or GED, learning English or a certificate or credential toward a career. Even if you just need help writing a resume, a WIOA counselor can help connect you with Work Readiness Training that will not only help you get a job, but get promoted! Best of all, like all WIOA programs, help is available at NO COST. Take the next step; fill out an online questionnaire today!


Whether you are an adult, dislocated worker or young person, visit Career Bridge and explore the variety of programs offered throughout Washington. Career Bridge matches jobs with the education and training programs. At a glance, you can see the cost of tuition, the length of training and more before you enroll!


The federal government sets standards to make sure education and training providers offer the services they say they do. Before any funds can be released on your behalf through WIOA, your counselor will have to make sure a school or trainer is on the Eligible Training Provider list (ETP). WIOA can only pay for programs on this list. Keep this in mind when creating a career plan.




Several organizations in Kittitas, Klickitat, Skamania and Yakima counties offer education and training opportunities:


AJAC offers a variety of apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs throughout Washington.


Elmview provides training to people with disabilities in Kittitas and Yakima counties.


HopeSource’s Hope University offers classes for people in Kittitas County who want to change the direction of their lives but lack the resources to do so.


Job Corps helps eligible individuals 16-24 years of age complete their high school education, train for a career and more at no cost!


Northwest Community Action Center helps people in Yakima County learn new skills.


Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) of Washington offers job skills training and high school education completion to youth, farmworkers and their families throughout Central Washington. If you or a family member has worked in agriculture in the last 24 months, you may be able to get help through the National Farm Worker Jobs Program (NFJP). Learn more about NFJP.


People For People is the WIOA provider throughout Central Washington and will connect you with all kinds of education and training options.


Rod’s House in Yakima can help young people ages 13-24 with food, housing, job placement and so much more.


Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a community service and work-based job training program for older Americans. Training is offered by Goodwill in Yakima as well as by AARP.


Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP) assists people in Klickitat and Skamania counties connect with training.


Don’t forget to explore other ideas on Career Bridge.




So you decided you want to pursue higher education? There are many schools in Washington state. You can also check out options closer to home:

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